Top "Calculus" questions

Calculus is the study of change of one or more variables with respect to another variable.

Math.Pow() vs Math.Exp() C# .Net

Can anyone provide an explanation of the difference between using Math.Pow() and Math.Exp() in C# and .net ? Is …

c# .net algebra pow calculus
Integration (math) in C++

I'm looking for a library to find the integral of a given set of random data (rather than a function) …

c++ math calculus
Derivative of sigmoid

I'm creating a neural network using the backpropagation technique for learning. I understand we need to find the derivative of …

algorithm math artificial-intelligence neural-network calculus
Python partial derivatives easy

I'm interested in computing partial derivatives in Python. I've seen functions which compute derivatives for single variable functions, but not …

python calculus
algorithm to find derivative

I'm writing program in Python and I need to find the derivative of a function (a function expressed as string). …

math calculus derivative
MATLAB: How do I pass a parameter to a function?

I have the following function: function ypdiff = ypdiff(t,y) a = 0.01; b = 0.1; ypdiff(1) = -a*y(1)*y(2); ypdiff(2) = b*y(1)*y(2)…

matlab parameters function calculus
calculating the Gradient and the Hessian in R

As you know, the Gradient of a function is the following vector: and the Hessian is the following matrix: Now, …

r calculus derivative
Translating “neither…nor” into a mathematical logical expression

Having some difficulty doing translations for complicated neither...nor sentences. With these characters: ~ Negation V Disjunction & Conjunction I'm trying …

math logic discrete-mathematics calculus
Derivative of a softmax function explanation

I am trying to compute the derivative of the activation function for softmax. I found this :…

neural-network derivative calculus softmax
Use python to calculate a special limit

I want to calculate this expression: (1 + 1 / math.inf) ** math.inf, which should evaluates to e. However Python returns 1. Why is …

python python-3.x math calculus