I have the following function:
function ypdiff = ypdiff(t,y)
a = 0.01;
b = 0.1;
ypdiff(1) = -a*y(1)*y(2);
ypdiff(2) = b*y(1)*y(2)-b*y(2);
ypdiff(3) = b*y(2);
ypdiff = [ypdiff(1) ypdiff(2) ypdiff(3)]';
If I want to solve this, I would call the ode45 function as follows:
[t y] = ode45(@ypdiff, [to tf], yo);
But if I want to pass a parameter to this function, how would I use the ode45 function? Specifically, I am trying for the following formulation:
function ypdiff = ypdiff(t,y,u)
a = 0.01;
b = 0.1;
ypdiff(1) = -a*u*y(1)*y(2);
ypdiff(2) = b*u*y(1)*y(2)-b*y(2);
ypdiff(3) = b*u*y(2);
ypdiff = [ypdiff(1) ypdiff(2) ypdiff(3)]';
You can use an anonymous function in matlab (similar to lambda functions in other languages):
u = 1.2;
[t y] = ode45(@(t, y) ypdiff(t, y, u), [to tf], yo);