Top "Navigation-drawer" questions

Navigation Drawer in a mobile application is the side panel which slides out from the edge of the screen and displays the navigation menu of the application.

Update selected state of navigation drawer after back press

Whats the proper way to handle the selected state of the navigation drawer after back press? I have a navigation …

android android-fragments navigation navigation-drawer onbackpressed
Android DrawerLayout component

I have some problems with the DrawerLayout component. I'm using the android-support-v4 jar and when I'm launching the app I …

android android-support-library navigation-drawer drawerlayout
Xamarin.Forms MissingMethodException: 'Android.Support.V4.Widget.DrawerLayout.AddDrawerListener' not found

I have followed everything from the following link: The code I …

android xamarin.forms navigation-drawer missingmethodexception
Android - How to click on an item on a navigation drawer using Espresso?

I am new to Android development. I want to use Espresso to test that my drawer opens, then click on …

android navigation-drawer android-espresso
Android-NavigationView from right to left

I'm using The last version of Android Studio (1.5) and I want to make a menu using Drawer Layout, for position …

android navigation-drawer gravity
What do you need to pass to v4.widget.DrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen()/.openDrawer()/.closeDrawer()

I've been trying to move my code across to the DrawerLayout as suggested by android here as SlidingDrawer is deprecated. …

android navigation-drawer drawerlayout
React Navigation (V2): How to set the Icon and the label of a stack Navigator inside a Drawer Navigator?

I'm trying to customize my StackNavigator within my DrawerNavigator. Here is my code: const HomeStack = createStackNavigator( { HomeScreen, HomeDetailScreen, InteriorScreen, InteriorDetailScreen }, { …

react-native navigation-drawer react-navigation drawer
Runtime DrawerLayout must be measured with MeasureSpec.EXACTLY excpetion

I'm following this tutorial from and I'm facing with a strange problem. It doesn't matter what's in my DrawerLayout, but …

android navigation-drawer drawerlayout
Android Navigation Architecture Component - Nav Drawer Icons

I'm currently using the Android Architecture Component's Navigation, but I'm running into an issue with my Navigation Drawer. It shows …

android navigation-drawer android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation android-components
How to combine react-native-router-flux with react-native-drawer

I tried to somehow connect those to examples: react-native-drawer with react-native-router-flux: following this documentation:…

react-native navigation-drawer react-native-router-flux