Top "Navigation-drawer" questions

Navigation Drawer in a mobile application is the side panel which slides out from the edge of the screen and displays the navigation menu of the application.

DrawerLayout's item click - When is the right time to replace fragment?

I'm developing an application which uses the navigation drawer pattern (With DrawerLayout). Each click on a drawer's item, replaces the …

android android-fragments navigation-drawer fragmenttransaction drawerlayout
Deprecated ActionBarDrawerToggle

I was trying to implement the in my app; since this class is deprecated This …

android navigation-drawer actionbardrawertoggle
Customising NavigationView - Adding dynamic headerView, Android Support Design Library

I tried the navigationView from the new android support design library. I want to have a dynamic headerview. Basically, my …

android navigation-drawer android-design-library androiddesignsupport navigationview
How to fix InstantiationException, unable to instantiate Fragment?

This is my first post, so I apologize in advance... I'm trying to compile a simple Drawer sample/practice app. …

android android-fragments navigation-drawer fragmenttransaction instantiationexception
Error incompatible types: cannot be converted to

Error Error incompatible types: cannot be converted to is drving me nuts. …

java android tabs navigation-drawer swipeview
How to refresh list of the navigation drawer as soon as its open/closed in Android

I have created navigation drawer and displaying items in list. My list is static but i am displaying points. So …

android android-listview navigation-drawer android-navigation
Toggle the Navigation Drawer via the Action Bar title

I'm trying to allow the user to open/close the navigation drawer in my app by tapping the action bar …

android gmail android-actionbar toggle navigation-drawer
Change ActionBarDrawerToggle icon android in toolbar?

I have an activity with navigation drawer and toolbar Activity public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private Toolbar toolbar; private CustomTextViewMondaRegular …

android navigation-drawer toolbar actionbardrawertoggle
How To Make Reuseable HTML Navigation Menus?

I'm sure this topic comes up all the time, But I can't seem to fine a concise answer. I've got …

html css navigation-drawer menubar appbar
what should be the size of Drawer Header Image?

public DrawerProfile(Context context) { super(context); HeaderImageView = new ImageView(context); HeaderImageView.setVisibility(VISIBLE); HeaderImageView.setScaleType(ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER); HeaderImageView.setImageResource(…

android android-layout navigation-drawer drawerlayout image-size