Navigation Drawer in a mobile application is the side panel which slides out from the edge of the screen and displays the navigation menu of the application.
I have done both separately and I want to combine the both activity in single activity. I can't get any …
android android-studio navigation-drawer android-tabactivityI have implemented drawerlayout which slides from the right but it does not shift the activity the right like facebook …
android facebook navigation-drawerThe new NavigationView in the new Design Support Library works really great. They use "menu-items" to display the options. But …
android navigation-drawer material-design androiddesignsupport navigationviewI am trying to change hamburger menu icon for NavigationView but I am unable to do so. Here is what …
android navigation-drawer android-toolbar hamburger-menu actionbardrawertoggleI'd like to implement navigation drawer like Uber into iOS(swift). I'm going to achieve it by using a library, …
ios material-design navigation-drawer drawertoggleI am trying to implement a navigation drawer but for some reasons am getting this null pointer exception. I have …
android nullpointerexception navigation-drawer android-actionbaractivityI'm trying to implement the new Android Navigation Drawer in my application. I have created a that handles …
android android-actionbar overlay navigation-drawer<FrameLayout android:id="@+id/content_frame" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" /> <ListView …
android adt navigation-drawerI'm trying to implement the Navigation Drawer as shown here: My …
android navigation-drawer drawerlayoutI am trying to configure the following in my app: Toolbar (Appcompat v7 version) Navigation Drawer Pre-Lollipop Appcompat v7 Material …
android navigation-drawer android-5.0-lollipop android-appcompat android-toolbar