NavigationView menu items with counter on the right

chrisonline picture chrisonline · May 31, 2015 · Viewed 26.9k times · Source

The new NavigationView in the new Design Support Library works really great.

They use "menu-items" to display the options.

But how can I display a counter to the right of the menu item?

Like in this picture:

enter image description here

Or like in the GMail app.


Alex Vasilkov picture Alex Vasilkov · Nov 9, 2015

Starting from version 23 of appcompat-v7 NavigationView supports action views, so it is quite easy to implement counter yourself.

  1. Create counter layout, i.e. menu_counter.xml:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <TextView xmlns:android=""
        android:textAppearance="@style/TextAppearance.AppCompat.Body2" />
  2. Reference it in your drawer menu xml, i.e. menu/drawer.xml:

        app:actionLayout="@layout/menu_counter" />

Note that you should use app namespace, don't try to use android.

Alternatively you can manually set action view with MenuItem.setActionView() method.

  1. Find menu item and set counter:

    private void setMenuCounter(@IdRes int itemId, int count) {
        TextView view = (TextView) navigationView.getMenu().findItem(itemId).getActionView();
        view.setText(count > 0 ? String.valueOf(count) : null);

Note, that you will need to use MenuItemCompat if you have to support Android 2.x versions.