Top "Instantiationexception" questions

Java Exception that is thrown when an application tries to create an instance of a class using the newInstance method in class Class, but the specified class object cannot be instantiated.

How to resolve a "java.lang.InstantiationException"?

I'm parsing in an XML file using SAX but when I call the class loader on the class, a java.…

java xml classloader sax instantiationexception
How to instantiate an inner class with reflection in Java?

I try to instantiate the inner class defined in the following Java code: public class Mother { public class Child { public …

java reflection instantiationexception
Why am I having this InstantiationException in Java when accessing final local variables?

I was playing with some code to make a "closure like" construct ( not working btw ) Everything looked fine but when …

java instantiationexception
Fragment - InstantiationException: no empty Constructor -> Google Maps v2?

I get this error message, when I open a closed App again via App-Change button: Caused by: java.lang.InstantiationException: …

android constructor fragment instantiationexception
InstantiationException on simple reflective call to newInstance on a class?

I have an abstract class A, i.e. public abstract class A { private final Object o; public A(Object o) { …

java reflection instantiationexception
How to fix InstantiationException, unable to instantiate Fragment?

This is my first post, so I apologize in advance... I'm trying to compile a simple Drawer sample/practice app. …

android android-fragments navigation-drawer fragmenttransaction instantiationexception
java.lang.InstantiationException: can't instantiate class?

I'm trying to make an Android application with automatic form generation I've been reading a …

android android-activity instantiationexception
How to prevent mediaplayer to stop when screen goes off?

I have a mediaplayer in a Music class that is called from another secondary Activity. It works fine. But when …

android media-player screen instantiationexception
Android BroadcastReceiver: Unable to instantiate receiver - no empty constructor

I have a problem with a BroadcastReceiver. If I declare the action in the manifest in this way: <receiver …

java android exception broadcastreceiver instantiationexception
Cannot instantiate the type error... but code is right?

So I have a big issue. I am getting the "cannot instantiate the type Robot" error when I try to …

java instantiation instantiationexception