Top "Android-espresso" questions

Espresso is a library which is used to write Android UI tests.

Conflict with dependency ''. Resolved versions for app (23.1.0) and test app (23.0.1) differ

When building I get the following error: Conflict with dependency ''. Resolved versions for app (23.1.0) and test …

android gradle android-gradle-plugin build.gradle android-espresso
Espresso - How to check if one of the view is displayed

In my test, after one action, there are two possible views which can appear and both of them are correct. …

java listview android-testing android-espresso
Espresso: Thread.sleep( )

Espresso claims that there is no need for Thread.sleep() but my code doesn't work unless I include it. I …

android testing android-espresso
Check if a dialog is displayed with Espresso

I'm trying to write some tests with the new android-test-kit (Espresso). But I can't find any information on how to …

android android-espresso
In Espresso, how to avoid AmbiguousViewMatcherException when multiple views match

Having gridView which has some images. The gridView's cell comes out from same predefined layout, which has same id and …

android android-espresso
PerformException: Error performing 'single click'

I got a error when i run android espresso test: Error …

android android-espresso
Using Espresso to click view inside RecyclerView item

How can I use Espresso to click a specific view inside a RecyclerView item? I know I can click the …

android android-recyclerview android-espresso
Espresso - How can I check if an activity is launched after performing a certain action?

the following is one of my Espresso test cases. public void testLoginAttempt() { Espresso.onView(ViewMatchers.withId(…

android android-activity android-espresso
Why can't I import AndroidJUnit4 and ActivityTestRule into my unit test class?

I'm having trouble importing some of the Android UI testing framework classes - I just can't figure out what is …

android android-support-library junit4 android-espresso
How to assert inside a RecyclerView in Espresso?

I am using espresso-contrib to perform actions on a RecyclerView, and it works as it should, ex: onView(withId(R.…

java android android-espresso