Top "Android-espresso" questions

Espresso is a library which is used to write Android UI tests.

Selecting child view at index using Espresso

With Espresso when using a custom widget view with child image views, which Matcher type can I use to select …

android android-espresso
Android Espresso testing 'Cannot resolve symbol 'InstrumentationRegistry''

I'm trying to import import; my build.gradle file androidTestCompile '' …

android unit-testing junit android-espresso
Android Testing: UIAutomator vs Espresso

I was seeking for test frameworks for Android UI automation and I stumbled upon UI Automator and Espresso and this …

android android-espresso android-uiautomator
How to count RecyclerView items with Espresso

Using Espresso and Hamcrest, How can I count items number available in a recyclerView? Exemple: I would like check if 5 …

android android-recyclerview android-espresso hamcrest
Click home icon with Espresso

I am trying to click the home icon in some Espresso tests via: onView(withId(…

android testing android-espresso
Google Espresso or Robotium

I have to use Automated UI test tool and I am confused between using Robotium vs Google Espresso. What are …

android testing robotium android-testing android-espresso
What is the purpose of @SmallTest, @MediumTest, and @LargeTest annotations in Android?

I'm new to Android and I've seen example code using these annotations. For example: @SmallTest public void testStuff() { TouchUtils.tapView(…

java android unit-testing tdd android-espresso
how to get text from textview using espresso

I want get text string shown in a textview in LinearLayout. can espresso do that? If not, is there other …

automated-tests android-testing android-espresso
Testing ViewPager with Espresso. How perfom action to a button of an Item?

I have a ViewPager whith items containing only a picture and a button. I can't successfully interact with the UI …

android android-viewpager android-espresso ui-testing
How to use Espresso Idling Resource for network calls

Im trying to use Espresso to test my UI. When i login into my application, i do a call to …

android networking android-espresso idle-processing