Espresso is a library which is used to write Android UI tests.
I'm trying to write some UI tests for an Android APP with the espresso framework. For now I'm just checking …
android android-espresso ui-testingI'm starting to play with Espresso, got my basic tests running. Now trying to figure out how to check that …
android android-espressoHas anybody managed to disable animations through code when running Espresso tests? I've been trying to follow the instructions in …
android android-animation android-permissions android-espresso android-instrumentationIt looks like CoordinatorLayout breaks the behaviour of Espresso actions such as scrollTo() or RecyclerViewActions.scrollToPosition(). Issue with NestedScrollView For …
android android-recyclerview android-espresso coordinator-layout android-nestedscrollviewFor last few weeks, I was using Appium(python) for android testing but yesterday we have decided to shift to …
java android automated-tests appium android-espressoI used to write Android tests using Robotium and retrieve the coverage using Emma. Recently I changed to use Espresso …
android code-coverage android-testing android-espresso gradle-android-test-plugiI am writing Instrumentation tests with usage of Espresso 2.2. Flow I want to test: radioButton clicked by test onClick launches …
android android-espresso android-instrumentationI'm using AndroidJUnitRunner with Espresso. I wrote a simple test but always receive this exception. According to Stackoverflow answers, the …
android testing junit junit4 android-espressoI essentially have a custom IdlingResource that takes a View a constructor argument. I can't find anywhere that really talks …
java android android-studio android-espressoI am writing some instrumented tests for an app with one activity and multiple fragments using the Navigation Component. The …
android android-fragments android-espresso android-architecture-navigation instrumented-test