Top "Android-nestedscrollview" questions

A NestedScrollView is just like a ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent as well as a child.

Android: ScrollView vs NestedScrollView

What is the difference between ScrollView and NestedScrollView? Both of them, extend FrameLayout. I want to know in depth pros …

android xml android-layout android-scrollview android-nestedscrollview
Programmatically scroll to the top of a NestedScrollView

Is there a way to programmatically scroll to the top of a NestedScrollView by also triggering the scroll events for …

android android-layout android-nestedscrollview
Recyclerview inside Nested Scrollview scroll but does not fast scroll like normal Recyclerview or Nested Scrollview

I am using RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView and it works. But when I use RecyclerView inside LinearLayout or something, it scroll …

android android-recyclerview android-nestedscrollview
Recycler view inside NestedScrollView causes scroll to start in the middle

I am getting a weird scrolling behavior when I add a RecyclerView inside a NestedScrollView. What happens is that whenever …

android android-support-library android-recyclerview android-nestedscrollview
how to detect the position of the scroll nestedscrollview android at the bottom?

i just want to detect the position of the scroll nestedscrollview android at the bottom, and the to call function. …

android android-nestedscrollview
NestedScrollView could not scroll with match_parent height child

I implement NonSwipeableViewPager with a fragment has NestedScrollView like this, what I expect is that the scrollview can scroll up …

android android-nestedscrollview
Error inflating class - NestedScrollView - class not found

Running Android Studio 2.1.2, Windows 7. I replaced a ScrollView with a NestedScrollView and now I'm getting android.view.InflateException: Binary XML …

android android-layout android-nestedscrollview
Recyclerview onscrolllistener not working when setNestedScrollingEnabled to false

I want to implement pagination with recyclerView, for this I add addOnScrollListener to the recyclerView but I am having trouble …

android android-recyclerview android-nestedscrollview
Programmatically scroll to end of screen

I have implemented TapTargetView library to my app. After passing a certain element, I need to focus on the next …

android android-layout android-nestedscrollview
Nested scrollview automatically scrolls to bottom

I have a GridView within a NestedScrollView. I have used the code below to resize the GridView whenever the content …

android android-fragments gridview android-nestedscrollview