Top "Android-nestedscrollview" questions

A NestedScrollView is just like a ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent as well as a child.

nested scrollview + recyclerview, strange autoscroll behaviour

In a view pager I have several fragments, one of them uses a nested scrollview with a header and a …

android android-recyclerview android-nestedscrollview
Espresso, scrolling not working when NestedScrollView or RecyclerView is in CoordinatorLayout

It looks like CoordinatorLayout breaks the behaviour of Espresso actions such as scrollTo() or RecyclerViewActions.scrollToPosition(). Issue with NestedScrollView For …

android android-recyclerview android-espresso coordinator-layout android-nestedscrollview
RecyclerView ScrollListener inside NestedScrollView

I have an EndlessRecyclerView at the end of a NestedScrollView. EndlessRecyclerView means: when user scrolls to the bottom of the …

android android-recyclerview infinite-scroll onscrolllistener android-nestedscrollview
How can i have a ListView inside a NestedScrollView

I have created an app with a page that need to load content dynamically from web service. I want to …

java android listview layout android-nestedscrollview
Android Nested Scrollview not scrolling

I am having a Nested ScrollView which contains contents inside a Linear Layout. <FrameLayout xmlns:android="…

android android-nestedscrollview
How to use RecyclerView inside NestedScrollView

I have this layout: < android:id="@+id/scrollview" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:…

android android-recyclerview android-nestedscrollview
Child inside NestedScrollView not cover full height of screen

I am using NestedScrollView in my fragment. In my xml inside a RelativeLayout but it is not covering full height …

android android-scrollview android-relativelayout android-nestedscrollview
Smooth scroll and Fling with NestedScrollView,AppBarLayout and CoordinatorLayout

I am working on an application where I'm using AppBarLayout with CollapsingToolbarLayout and NestedScrollView. I have successfully implemented this and …

android android-appbarlayout android-collapsingtoolbarlayout android-nestedscrollview
Android - NestedScrollView which contains ExpandableListView doesn't scroll when expanded

I have an ExpandableListView inside a NestedScrollView (yes I know, it is not good to have a scrolling view inside …

android expandablelistview android-nestedscrollview