Top "Android-nestedscrollview" questions

A NestedScrollView is just like a ScrollView, but it supports acting as both a nested scrolling parent as well as a child.

How to determine if a NestedScrollView is scrolled to the end and is idle?

Tried that : NestedScrollView ns =(NestedScrollView) findViewById(; ns.setOnScrollChangeListener(new NestedScrollView.OnScrollChangeListener() { @Override public void onScrollChange(NestedScrollView …

android scrollview android-scrollview nestedscrollview android-nestedscrollview
android : NestedScrollview bottom two button attached

I am trying to create Android product layout. In footer have two buttons it is fixed button. you can see …

android button layout android-nestedscrollview
Disable NestedScrollview scroll

Design of my app Screen - 1 <NestedScrollview> <LinearLayout orientation:horizontal"> <RecyclerView-1> <Framelayout>(…

android android-recyclerview android-framelayout android-nestedscrollview
How to scroll to a particular position in recyclerview inside scrollview?

I have searched a lot regarding my query and none of them was useful. I have a recyclerview and some …

android android-recyclerview scrollview android-nestedscrollview linearlayoutmanager
Recycler View loading very slow for large data when inside NestedScrollView

I have added RecyclerView inside my NestedScrollView. Basically I want RecyclerView to scroll with other Views. The problem that I …

java android android-recyclerview android-nestedscrollview
Android espresso NestedScrollView, how to scroll to bottom

I'm trying to test with Espresso a NestedScrollView but I am having an error: "Action will not be performed because …

android android-layout android-espresso android-nestedscrollview