Top "Linearlayoutmanager" questions

A RecyclerView.

RecyclerView - Scroll To Position Not Working Every Time

I have implemented a horizontal scrollable RecyclerView. My RecyclerView uses a LinearLayoutManager, and the problem I am facing is that …

android android-recyclerview linearlayoutmanager
RecyclerView scroll to position when a new item is added

I want my RecyclerView to scroll to the bottom when a new item is added to the list. Below is …

android android-recyclerview linearlayoutmanager
RecyclerView smoothScroll to position in the center. android

I am using a horizontal layout manager for my RecyclerView. I need to make RecyclerView in the next way: when …

android android-recyclerview linearlayoutmanager
Finding top offset of first visible item in a RecyclerView

I have a RecyclerView + LinearLayoutManger which is using an adapter that holds chat messages. I limit the number of chat …

android android-recyclerview linearlayoutmanager
How to change position of items in RecyclerView programmatically?

Is there a way to move a specific item to a specific position in RecyclerView using LinearLayoutManager programmatically?

android android-recyclerview linearlayoutmanager
scrollToPositionWithOffset from LinearLayoutManager on RecyclerView not working

I'm trying to make an horizontal list of sticky images with RecyclerView and I'd like to move them by pixels' …

android android-recyclerview linearlayoutmanager
RecyclerView: Set scroll position so that item appears at the bottom of the view

I have a RecyclerView with a LinearLayoutManager that is backed by an adapter with items of different height. Is there …

android android-recyclerview linearlayoutmanager
RecyclerView scrolls to top on notifyDataSetChanged in chat screen

I am trying to create messaging kind of screen using recyclerView which will start from bottom and will loadMore data …

android android-recyclerview notifydatasetchanged linearlayoutmanager
Horizontally center first item of RecyclerView

I want to use a RecyclerView to emulate the behavior of a MultiViewPager, in particular I'd like to have the …

android android-recyclerview linearlayoutmanager
RecyclerView scrolling on insert

I am trying to use RecyclerView to create a chat application. I am using a LinearLayoutManager with setReverseLayout(true). When …

android android-recyclerview chat reverse linearlayoutmanager