Top "Android-espresso" questions

Espresso is a library which is used to write Android UI tests.

Espresso - Asserting a TextView with async loaded data

I'm writing a UI test with Google Espresso for Android and I'm stuck on how to assert a TextView text, …

android android-testing android-espresso
Android Espresso check selected spinner text

I have this code in my Espresso test onView(withId( .perform(click()); onData(hasToString(startsWith("CCD"))) .perform(…

android android-espresso
onChildView and hasSiblings with Espresso

I am trying to access a button from a specific view. The same view is displayed 6 times. This is the …

android android-testing hamcrest android-espresso
Espresso testing disable animation

@Test public void test3_PaySuccessful(){ init(); ViewInteraction amountEditText = onView( allOf(withId(, isDisplayed())); amountEditText.perform(replaceText("SGD 0.010"), …

android animation android-testing android-espresso
How to manage Runtime permissions android marshmallow espresso tests

I'm using espresso for testing but sometimes I try to get an image form external storage and with marshmallow I …

android android-6.0-marshmallow android-espresso
Test order with espresso

Is there a way to set test running order in android? I use Espresso framework and need to test a …

android testing android-espresso
Espresso test fails with NoActivityResumedException often

EDIT: Updated description and error message and added some images. Still have this problem. I have a strange error that …

android testing android-espresso
Espresso how to wait for some time(1 hour)?

In my test case I have to record for 1 hour, in robotium solo.sleep(600000) had done my work, but In …

android junit4 android-testing android-espresso
How to use espresso to press a AlertDialog button

I want to press below button using Espresso, but I'm not sure how. Should I get the resource-id? Or how …

android android-studio android-uiautomator android-espresso