How to use espresso to press a AlertDialog button

Jim Clermonts picture Jim Clermonts · Sep 7, 2016 · Viewed 16.5k times · Source

I want to press below button using Espresso, but I'm not sure how. Should I get the resource-id? Or how to set an ID to the AlertDialog??

enter image description here

public class ApplicationTest {

public ActivityTestRule<LoadingActivity> mActivityRule =
        new ActivityTestRule<>(LoadingActivity.class);

public void loginClickMarker() {
//Doesn't work:
    onView(withText("GA NAAR INSTELLINGEN")).perform(click());

public class PopupDialog {

public static void showGPSIsDisabled(Context context, String msg, final PopupDialogCallback popupDialogCallback) {
    new AlertDialog.Builder(context)
            .setPositiveButton(context.getString(R.string.go_to_settings), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
} No views in hierarchy found matching: with text: is "GA NAAR INSTELLINGEN"


piotrek1543 picture piotrek1543 · Sep 8, 2016

According to StackOverflow similar issue: Check if a dialog is displayed with Espresso

You should change your code from:

onView(withText("GA NAAR INSTELLINGEN")).perform(click());


onView(withText("GA NAAR INSTELLINGEN")))
    .inRoot(isDialog()) // <---

If it won't work, don't bother to use long with Espresso another great Google's instrumentation test called uiatomator.


Example code:

// Initialize UiDevice instance
UiDevice uiDevice = UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation());

// Search for correct button in the dialog.
UiObject button = uiDevice.findObject(new UiSelector().text("GA NAAR INSTELLINGEN"));
if (button.exists() && button.isEnabled()) {;

Hope it will help