Top "Android-architecture-navigation" questions

The Navigation Architecture Component provides a framework for in-app navigation for Android apps.

How to clear navigation Stack after navigating to another fragment in Android

I am using The new Navigation Architecture Component in android and I am stuck in clearing the navigation stack after …

android android-fragments android-architecture-components android-architecture-navigation
IllegalArgumentException: navigation destination xxx is unknown to this NavController

I am having issue with the new Android Navigation Architecture component when I try to navigate from one Fragment to …

java android kotlin android-navigation android-architecture-navigation
IllegalStateException: Link does not have a NavController set

I'm using Android Navigation Component for Navigation. I have a LoginFragment which has a button to transition to SignUpFragment. On …

android android-architecture-components android-architecture-navigation
How to change start destination of a navigation graph programmatically [Jetpack]

Basically, I have the following navigation graph: I want to change my starting point in navigation graph to fragment 2 right …

android android-jetpack android-navigation android-architecture-navigation
How I can retrieve current fragment in NavHostFragment?

I tried to find a method in the new Navigation components but I didn't find anything about that. I have …

android android-fragments kotlin android-architecture-components android-architecture-navigation
Navigation Architecture Component - Dialog Fragments

Is it possible to use the new Navigation Architecture Component with DialogFragment? Do I have to create a custom Navigator? …

android android-architecture-components android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation
Navigation Architecture Component - Activities

I've been following the docs from Navigation Architecture Component to understand how this new navigation system works. To go/back …

android android-architecture-navigation
Dynamic ActionBar title from a Fragment using AndroidX Navigation

I am using the new Navigation component from Android Jetpack. The root Activity setup is quite simple: override fun onCreate(…

android android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation
Android Navigation Component : Pass value (arguments) in fragments

##What I have done: I have created Navigation Drawer Activity, As updated new format of Navigation Drawer Activity, As per …

android android-fragments android-architecture-navigation