Top "Android-architecture-navigation" questions

The Navigation Architecture Component provides a framework for in-app navigation for Android apps.

Android Navigation Component: Start at a different destination than home, programmatically?

I'm trying to implement a multiple navigation controller with multiple back stack BottomNavigationView, as per the github examples. However, the …

android android-architecture-navigation android-jetpack-navigation
Hide android bottom navigation view for child screens/ fragments

I'm trying to create a single activity Android application. I have MainActivity (only activity) with BottomNavigationView, three top level fragments …

android android-fragments kotlin android-bottom-nav-view android-architecture-navigation
Android Navigation Component pop to transition issue

I have 2 actions Action1 <action android:id="@+id/actionBaseFragmentToAskForLocation" app:destination="@+id/introAskForLocationFragment" app:enterAnim="@anim/slide_in_right" …

android android-architecture-components android-navigation android-architecture-navigation
Show confirmation on back/up in Fragment with Navigation Architecture Component

I am using the Navigation Architecture Component for Android. For one of my fragments I wish to intercept "back" and "…

android android-architecture-navigation
Multi-module Navigation with Architecture Components

So I have this structure for my modules in my current app. I haven't found any official documentation on multi-module …

android android-architecture-components android-architecture-navigation
Pass data back to previous fragment using Android Navigation

I've started using Android Architecture Components (Navigation and Safe Args, View Models) along with Koin library. Currently, I've got a …

android android-jetpack android-navigation android-architecture-navigation koin
Navigation controller navigate from startDestination fragment getting exception

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ID does not reference a View inside this Activity mBtHome.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void …

android navigationcontroller android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation
Avoiding Android navigation IllegalArgumentException in NavController

I recently switched over to Android Navigation, but have encountered a fair amount of situations (in different parts of the …

android android-architecture-navigation
Proguard causing runtime exception with Android Navigation Component

I'm experiencing this crash when using proguard after integrating the NavigationComponent (android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:1.0.0-alpha01) into my project with …

android android-proguard android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation