Top "Android-jetpack-navigation" questions

Fragments destroyed / recreated with Jetpack's Android Navigation components

I'm trying to implement Navigation with Jetpack's architecture components in my existing app. I have a single activity app where …

android android-fragments android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation android-jetpack-navigation
android navigation component up button, arrow displays but popTo not working

I'm using the jetpack navigation component with a very simple set up, one activity (MainActivity) and 4 fragments MainFragment, CardPreviewFragment, createCardFragment, …

android android-fragments android-actionbar android-jetpack-navigation
Android Navigation Component: Start at a different destination than home, programmatically?

I'm trying to implement a multiple navigation controller with multiple back stack BottomNavigationView, as per the github examples. However, the …

android android-architecture-navigation android-jetpack-navigation
Fragment XXX {} not associated with a fragment manager

I started using navigation component in my application and I am facing with the following problem. My first fragment is …

android navigation android-jetpack-navigation