Top "Android-proguard" questions

ProGuard is a tool to shrink, optimize, obfuscate, and preverify Java classes.

Error:Execution failed for task ':android:transformClassesAndResourcesWithProguardForRelease'

Every time I am getting this error when running my project. I can do a Clean and then Run again, …

android build android-gradle-plugin android-proguard
Proguard issue "Warning:Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class"

I don't know how I can describe this issue. I searched a lot, but I didn't find any solution. Also …

android proguard android-support-library android-proguard
What's the difference between "minifyEnabled" and "useProguard" in the Android Plugin for Gradle?

I see that the Android Plugin for Gradle has a minifyEnabled property as well as a useProguard property, as follows: …

android gradle android-gradle-plugin build.gradle android-proguard
ProGuard: duplicate definition of library class?

I run my ProGuard for my Android project and get the following warnings: Note: duplicate definition of library class [org.…

java android android-studio proguard android-proguard
Xamarin.Android Proguard - Unsupported class version number 52.0

I'm trying to use Proguard in my Xamarin.Android project, yet the compilation fails with the error Unsupported class version …

xamarin android-proguard
Cannot find a version of '' that satisfies the version constraints

When i want to generate a signed APK (release) using Proguard rules i got this error message : Cannot find a …

android android-studio android-proguard
Android/java: Transition / Migration from ProGuard to R8?

I wonder how to make the transition / migration from ProGuard to R8. Should I just remove the Proguard-related lines from …

android proguard obfuscation android-proguard android-r8
What is the difference between proguard-android.txt and ? - Android

In my buildType I see this: buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled false proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' } } I have some questions: …

android android-gradle-plugin proguard android-proguard
ProGuard build fail "Unresolved references"

I've been working on the newest version of my app and it tests just fine, but when I do a …

android proguard android-build android-proguard