Top "Android-proguard" questions

ProGuard is a tool to shrink, optimize, obfuscate, and preverify Java classes.

How to upgrade ProGuard for Android?

I used Android SDK Manager to download the latest version of Android SDK. But ProGuard was not updated and remained …

android android-proguard
ConsumerProguardFiles vs ProguardFiles

I was trying to build an application which contained a library module La with proguard and I noticed that the …

android android-gradle-plugin android-proguard
After Updating Android Studio 3.1, I am getting these warnings after each build

Android Issues Warnings Stripped invalid locals information from 1 method. Stripped invalid locals information from 1 method. Message{kind=WARNING, text=Stripped …

android android-studio compiler-warnings android-proguard android-studio-3.1
build failing on play-services:11.8.x with pro guard parser error

So it looks like there is a bug in the latest play-services to be deployed. Does anyone know how to …

android google-play-services android-proguard
dagger android support proguard rules

I'm using Dagger2 android-support library with Proguard but i can't compile my project because of this error :…

android proguard dagger-2 android-proguard dagger
Android design support library proguard rules

Have been trying to find some information about the rules needed for the new design support library to work passing …

android proguard androiddesignsupport android-proguard
Getting error building App: app:transformDexArchiveWithDexMergerForDebug

I get the following error while building the app in android studio, why this is happening? Is it related to …

android android-studio android-proguard android-studio-3.0 dexguard
Proguard causing runtime exception with Android Navigation Component

I'm experiencing this crash when using proguard after integrating the NavigationComponent (android.arch.navigation:navigation-fragment-ktx:1.0.0-alpha01) into my project with …

android android-proguard android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation