Top "Navigationcontroller" questions

A Controller in a MVC (Model View Controller) pattern provides the execution flow of the application.

iPhone UINavigation Issue - nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar

I keep getting the following errors: 2011-04-02 14:55:23.350 AppName[42430:207] nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar 2011-04-02 14:55:23.352 …

iphone ios4 uinavigationcontroller navigationcontroller
self.navigationController is null

in my viewcontroller,I have a button,when press the button,entry the navigationController,my code like: -(IBAction)ShangHaiButtonPressed:(…

iphone navigationcontroller
Accessing a Top Navigation Controller from a Subview Navigation Controller

I have a my views and controllers set up like so. A Tab/Bar controller Within 1. is a root view …

iphone uinavigationcontroller subview navigationcontroller
iOS how to remove back button?

I have an application with a navigation bar that pushes to a login screen view controller and then pushes to …

ios navigationcontroller
Xcode 4.2 creating navigation based application

I just tried to create navigation based application via xcode 4.2 and all I found in the new window have nothing …

xcode4.2 navigationcontroller
Change NavigationBar Title (font and color) in different View Controllers

I was trying to customize the look of the Navigation Bar Title in my app. I had to build a …

iphone uitableview navigationcontroller navigationbar
presentViewController transition animation

In my code I am using presentViewController to call my second viewcontroller [self presentViewController:secondController animated:YES completion:nil]; When …

ios objective-c uiviewcontroller navigationcontroller presentviewcontroller
Custom navigation bar

I was crawling Dribble and found the attached design. I was wondering how to do a custom navigation bar like …

iphone ios user-interface uinavigationcontroller navigationcontroller
How to use shared element transitions in Navigation Controller

I would like to add a shared elements transition using the navigation architecture components, when navigating to an other fragment. …

android android-architecture-components navigationcontroller
How can I remove a view from navigation controller

I want to call a new view controller and remove the current view controller from the navigation controller stack. For …

ios uiviewcontroller uinavigationcontroller viewcontroller navigationcontroller