Top "Navigationcontroller" questions

A Controller in a MVC (Model View Controller) pattern provides the execution flow of the application.

Swift: How do I get access to the navigationController in AppDelegate

I have added a NavigationController in the StoryBoard and made it the initial viewController. How do I get access to …

swift appdelegate navigationcontroller
How to check if navigation controller is pushed or is a root view controller?

I want to check if the view controller i am in is root view controller or is pushed on some …

ios objective-c push navigationcontroller
NSInvalidArgumentException "Unrecognized selector sent to instance" (using MPMoviePlayerController)

Well, I have a TableView in a RootViewController with a DetailViewController for the display of the information of the single …

ios mpmovieplayercontroller navigationcontroller unrecognized-selector
xcode4.2.1 - storyboard - Navigation controller - Title bar color

I am designing an app with storyboard with minimal coding. So, I am designing everything using views and buttons without …

xcode storyboard titlebar navigationcontroller
Change contentSizeForViewInPopover on navigationController push on iOS

I have a UIPopoverController with navigationController and bunch of subviews. The size of the popover is set just before it's …

iphone ios navigationcontroller uipopover contentsize
Calling popToRootViewControllerAnimated after dismissModalViewControllerAnimated

I am working application in which i calling presentModalViewController and once finished(calling dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES) it should immediately call popToRootViewControllerAnimated. …

ios objective-c navigationcontroller
iOS storyboard passing data navigationViewController

I have problem with proper passing data between view's but not in standard way. Picture describing my problem: I performSegueWithIdentifier …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch storyboard navigationcontroller
Consequences of Bad Programming: dismissViewController vs popViewController

I understand the difference between dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: and popViewControllerAnimated:, as described on Stack Overflow and here: -dismissViewControllerAnimated:completion: method is …

ios cocoa-touch uiviewcontroller navigationcontroller
Android Unresolved reference: findNavController error

I am using Kotlin and have all references added in my project. // Navigation implementation "android.arch.navigation:navigation-common-ktx:$rootProject.nav_…

android kotlin navigationcontroller android-jetpack
exception: View does not have a navController set

in the fragment which i made it host in the tag fragment in activity when i use navController = Navigation.findNAvController(…

android android-studio navigation navigationcontroller android-navigation-graph