Top "Android-architecture-navigation" questions

The Navigation Architecture Component provides a framework for in-app navigation for Android apps.

Is it possible to set startDestination conditionally using Android Navigation Architecture Component(Android Jetpack)?

I am using Navigation from Android Jetpack to navigate between screens. Now I want to set startDestination dynamically. I have …

android android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation
How to set title in app bar with Navigation Architecture Component

I was trying out Navigation architecture component and is now having difficulties in setting the title. How do I set …

android android-layout androidx android-architecture-navigation
How to get a result from fragment using Navigation Architecture Component?

Let's say that we have two fragments: MainFragment and SelectionFragment. The second one is build for selecting some object, e.…

android android-architecture-components android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation
Fragments destroyed / recreated with Jetpack's Android Navigation components

I'm trying to implement Navigation with Jetpack's architecture components in my existing app. I have a single activity app where …

android android-fragments android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation android-jetpack-navigation
Androidx Navigation View - `setNavigationItemSelectedListener` Doesn't Work

What am I doing? I have been trying to work with Androidx Navigation Drawer(<…

java android navigation-drawer android-architecture-navigation
Could not find androidx.navigation:safe-args-gradle-plugin:1.0.0-alpha01

I want to use Navigation Architecture Components. But I got a problem with importing safeargs Sync message: Could not find …

android gradle android-architecture-navigation
Equivalent of startActivityForResult() with Android Architecture Navigation

I have a workflow with 3 screens. From "screen 1" to access to "screen 2", the user must accept some kind of terms …

android android-architecture-navigation
How to Start Second Activity with Navigation in Jetpack

You know It's official now: Google officially recommends single activity app architecture. But there is a difficulty here. We have …

android android-architecture-components android-jetpack android-architecture-navigation
Plugin with id 'androidx.navigation.safeargs' not found

When I try to add Safe Args (Android Navigation) to my app's as following ( using this guide :…

android-studio androidx android-architecture-navigation