react-native-router-flux is a routing package for react native based on new React Native Navigation API.
My code is: ... <Router> <Scene key="com1" component={Com1} initial/> <Scene key="com2" component={Com2}/&…
react-native react-native-router-fluxI'm just starting to wrap my head around React Native and am using Redux for management of state, the NativeBase …
javascript react-native react-native-router-flux native-baseI am using react-native-router-flux 4.0.0-beta.17 for my learning project. I need to customize the header. for instance the background color, …
react-native react-native-router-fluxWe're building a RN app (RN0.37), and we're running into an issue where when the app is run, we get …
ios json react-native react-native-router-flux cyclicI am using react native router flux for navigation in my react native project. Router flux has a default navBar. …
react-native react-native-router-fluxI use react native, and react-native-router-flux for navigation when I want to move screen, an error appears "currentlyFocusedField is deprecated …
reactjs react-native react-native-router-fluxI am using react-native-router-flux v4.0 library for showing navigation bar in react-native. Here I created a custom navigation bar. Here …
react-native react-native-ios react-native-router-fluxVersion react-native-router-flux v3.35.0 react-native v0.31 I have few scenes. one of scenes have few sub-scenes. how can i navigate to …
javascript react-native react-router react-native-router-fluxI want to have a side menu in react-native using flux. However, it does not show anything. App.js const …
react-native react-native-router-fluxI am using react native router flux in my react native app. I want to override the back button press …
javascript react-native onbackpressed react-native-router-flux