Top "Native" questions

An application designed to run in the computer environment (machine language and OS) being referenced.

Compiling C# to Native?

I think I'm somewhat confused about compiling .NET byte-code to native code, or maybe I'm confused about the end result. …

c# .net compiler-construction native
change button color react native

I want to simply change the color of the button, but i can't. I tried to change directly in the …

reactjs native
Use JNI instead of JNA to call native code?

JNA seems a fair bit easier to use to call native code compared to JNI. In what cases would you …

java java-native-interface native jna
How to determine if Native JavaScript Object has a Property/Method?

I thought this would be as easy as: if(typeof(Array.push) == 'undefined'){ //not defined, prototype a version of the …

javascript methods properties native typeof
electron-builder vs electron-packager

What is main difference between electron-builder and electron-packager. Is there some example projects for both? Which is better for standalone .…

javascript native electron electron-builder
ViewPager animation fade in/out instead of slide

I got the FragmentBasics example from here. Is there a way make the ViewPager animation simply fade in and out …

android android-viewpager native fadein slide
Repeating background image in native iPhone app

Short of putting a UIWebView as the back-most layer in my nib file, how can I add a repeating background …

iphone cocoa-touch native repeat
Implementing native ads in android using Admob? is it possible?

I'm trying to implement native ads in my android application. But I want to do it using admob only. I …

android admob native ads mopub
How does native android code written for ARM run on x86?

Motorola just released an x86 based Android phone. I'm a little confused as to how native apps/libraries written for …

android android-ndk arm native android-x86
Node.js native module is not a valid Win32 application error

Trying to make Hello World native module for node.js Got an Win32 Project in VS 2012 with one file: #include &…

node.js native iisnode