Top "Native" questions

An application designed to run in the computer environment (machine language and OS) being referenced.

Android 7 Native Crash: tgkill

I'm seeing this native crash with the following stack trace. This happens in Android 7.0 & 7.1 only. Nothing new has been …

android crash native android-7.0-nougat android-7.1-nougat
Where to save my custom scripts so that my python scripts can access the module in the default directory?

This is going to be a multi-part question but the ultimate aim is such that I can access custom-made modules/…

python import directory native
Native IOS app and node.js

Is it possible to create a native ios app with node.js, and is so does anyone have any examples?

ios node.js native
How do I rename a DLL but still allow the EXE to find it?

We have a DLL which is produced in house, and for which we have the associated static LIB of stubs. …

windows dll native
Where to find source code for java.lang native methods?

I'm vaguely familiar with the JNI, and I'm curious to see my machine-specific implementation for some native methods in the …

java java-native-interface native
Is there a native machine code compiler for JavaScript?

Is there a native machine code compiler for JavaScript? I'm not talking about a VM. If it doesn't exist can …

javascript compilation native native-code
Why is System.arraycopy native in Java?

I was surprised to see in the Java source that System.arraycopy is a native method. Of course the reason …

java native arrays
Android Call Recording Incoming voice not getting recorded

I'm working auto call recorder app, I'm able to record voice call on below android 6 using MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_CALL, …

android android-ndk native android-mediarecorder phone-call
Can phonegap/cordova use native GUI?

Might sound stupid but can phonegap/cordova use the devices native GUI? I know its a web wrapper but i …

html user-interface cordova native
How to cache bitmaps into native memory

For my 10,000 points, i've decided to contibute something with this cool website: a mechanism to cache bitmaps on native memory. …

android caching bitmap java-native-interface native