Top "Electron-builder" questions

Electron Builder is an open source solution for distribution and auto-update of Electron NPM apps.

electron-builder vs electron-packager

What is main difference between electron-builder and electron-packager. Is there some example projects for both? Which is better for standalone .…

javascript native electron electron-builder
Electron - Not allowed to load local resource

Evening, I'm looking into using electron to package an existing angular2 build. I thought I had a dry run working …

angular electron angular-cli electron-builder
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib

Using electron-builder to build Windows app, When signing up, I got this error : dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/…

electron electron-builder
How to add folders and files to electron build using electron-builder

I am creating an electron which running react generated from create-react-app. Then i add nedbjs(a persistence database) and camojs(…

javascript electron electron-builder
Where can I find the logs for my Electron app in production?

I've built an app with Electron and used Electron-Builder to create a Squirrel windows installer and updater. It all works …

logging electron electron-builder
Electron create MSI installer using electron-builder

I managed to create an .exe installer for windows using electron builder, I create 2 package.json as pointed out in …

electron electron-builder
Run python script in Electron app

I have a Electron project which executes some python script using NodeJS's child_process module. My python script is in …

python node.js electron electron-builder
How to add an icon to electron application

I've got my electron build files for a win .exe and installer but the icons aren't mine. In my main.…

electron electron-builder electron-packager
Electron Builder: Not allowed to load local resource: app.asar/build/index.html

I have an issue when using electron builder I got blank page and error in console: Not allowed to load …

javascript reactjs electron electron-builder
How to change app icon using electron-builder

I changed my app icon and for some reason I can not update the icon (currently has the icon of …

build icons electron electron-builder