How to change app icon using electron-builder

Tom Cohen picture Tom Cohen · Jan 21, 2018 · Viewed 12.7k times · Source

I changed my app icon and for some reason I can not update the icon (currently has the icon of an electron).

Relevant modules I use:

 "electron-builder": "5.7.0",
 "electron-prebuilt": "^ 1.4.13"

my package.json:

    "build": {
        "appId": "com.siemens.dmv",
        "asar": true,
        "win": {
          "target": "squirrel",
          "icon": "./build/icon.ico",
          "title": "DigitalManufacturingViewer",
          "msi": true,
          "IconUrl": "data: image / png; base64, 
          AAABAyUAJSshACMLBAAeJRAAAw0VAAYPEQAFJzsAE // (long string)

I tried several orders without success, does anyone know what command I have to run?


quantumkv picture quantumkv · Jan 24, 2018

Make icon.ico (for windows) and icon.icns (for mac and linux) and place them in the build\ directory.

Remove the other "icon" properties from the config. the build\ directory is the default location where electron builder searches for the icons.

Also try updating the electron-builder version. The version you are using is about 2 years old. A lot of features and bugfixes related to icons have been made in the new versions.