Top "Electron-packager" questions

Use electron-packager for questions related to the packaging module for Electron apps

'electron-packager' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I recently started using electron. I have successfully completed the 1st phase by creating a hello world app (included files …

npm electron electron-packager
electron package: reduce the package size

I made a simple Electron app: main.js const {app, BrowserWindow} = require('electron') const path = require('path') const url = require(…

javascript electron electron-packager
How to add an icon to electron application

I've got my electron build files for a win .exe and installer but the icons aren't mine. In my main.…

electron electron-builder electron-packager
Electron shows white screen when built

I'm learning electron and I've made an electron app that read and create files. When I start the application with "…

javascript json electron electron-builder electron-packager
How to use auto-launch to start app on system startup?

package.json: { "name": "electronapp", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "electron auto-launch", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "start": "electron .", "build": "electron-packager . --all" }, "author": "ivie", "license": "…

javascript node.js node-modules electron-builder electron-packager
How should i exclude all node_modules in electron-packager

I'm using electron-packager for creating an electron.exe of my app. I need to exclude all node modules . I tried …

node.js electron node-modules electron-packager asar
How to properly include twitter bootstrap in electron app?

This is my first electron app, which is based on quick-start app. I want to add twitter bootstrap's css. So …

node.js npm electron electron-packager