Top "Monogame" questions

MonoGame is an OpenSource implementation of Microsoft's XNA 4 APIs that allows developers to build games that run on Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac OS, Linux, PlayStation Mobile (2D only), Windows 8 Store, Windows Phone 8, and OUYA, while reusing their existing XNA code that runs on Windows, Xbox 360, or Windows Phone 7. It supports both OpenGL and DirectX rendering.

Visual Studio 2012 How to debug "Unable to add reference to project x" error?

In Visual Studio 2012 in a blank new Class Library I am trying to add reference to an existing project in …

c# windows-8 visual-studio-2012 .net-4.5 monogame
How to start in full screen in Monogame?

I'm developing a game using Monogame and C#. I have a wpf application for the menu that starts in full …

c# wpf monogame
Can't get content to load using Monogame with VS2012

My code is new GameFont(Content.Load<SpriteFont>("LoadingFont"), "LoadingFont") According to what I've read, you have to …

c# monogame
Mouse cursor is not showing in windows store game developing using monogame

I am developing a game for windows store (desktops) using monogame framework. everything else is working excellent except the Mouse …

xna monogame windows-store
Debugging in monogame

How do you print or output text in Monogame? I googled how to display text in monogame and was led …

c# debugging printf monogame
Is it possible to use monogame in VS code?

I am using an iball notebook and I don't have enough memory to install Visual Studio. I am having no …

directx visual-studio-code monogame
ContentLoadException in MonoGame

I've been trying load a texture in MonoGame using Xamarin Studio. My code is set up as below : #region Using …

c# xna monogame
Could not load content1.png asset as non content file

When trying to import an image into my 'game' I get a error message. The one displayed in the title. …

c# visual-studio-2010 monogame
Running new MonoGame project with Xamarin Studio

I am trying to start a new project for mac using MonoGame. I have installed everything I believe is required …

installation xamarin monomac monogame
Unable to add DLL reference in Windows Phone 8

I am attempting to port a game to Windows Phone 8 with Visual studio 2012 and monogame. The problem is that I …

visual-studio-2012 windows-phone-8 monogame