Unable to add DLL reference in Windows Phone 8

Daniel Filipe picture Daniel Filipe · Jun 16, 2013 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

I am attempting to port a game to Windows Phone 8 with Visual studio 2012 and monogame. The problem is that I cant seem to add the DLL required, the error is "A reference to a higher version or incompatible assembly cannot be added to the project"

The DLL that I am attempting to add is called Bass.net.dll and it was previously used in a normal .Net application.

Is there any way of adding this reference to the game so I can use it? I have read many articles online but all seem to have different explanations.

These include:Not able to add class library dll to Windows Phone 8



which states that the DLL file should be unblocked, in my case the DLL and any related files are already unblocked so the sugestion doesn't apply.


histech picture histech · Sep 4, 2013

WP8 uses a subset of WinRT API, it don't support all Framework API

Just make a right-click on each of the DLL that you want to add, choose Properties and then click on the Unblock button