Top "Monodevelop" questions

MonoDevelop is an IDE focusing on developing desktop, mobile and web applications using C# and other .NET languages.

Installing Mono 3.4.0 and MonoDevelop 4.2.2 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

I went through some problems installing the latest versions of mono and monodevelop. After solving the problems I decided to …

ubuntu mono monodevelop
Error: *.csproj could not import "$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" on MonoDevelop

So, I have MonoDevelop v5.7 on Linux Mint 16. I create new C# ConsoleProject with default code on it using System; …

c# monodevelop
How to enable vi mode in Monodevelop on windows

I searched for a while, and I found a vi mode, but I don't know how to enable it in …

monodevelop vi
What the best setup latest Mono + MonoDevelop on Ubuntu 9.04?

I start using Ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop. What I really want is to be able to write my C# projects …

c# mono installation monodevelop ubuntu-9.04
Unity debugging for android devices

I'm having a hard time getting breakpoint debugging working for unity with and android device. I've tried with both visual …

android debugging unity3d monodevelop
Unity Project doesn't have solution file

I just started learning unity and I created a project. But my project doesn't have a sln file included in. …

macos unity3d xamarin monodevelop solution
How to disable physics system in unity

I want to develop native android app in unity engine, and does not need to use physics, could it possible …

c# unity3d unity5 monodevelop unityscript
Ubuntu 13.04: how to build Monodevelop 4.0.1?

I downloaded sources from git: git clone git:// and dependencies: cd monodevelop && git …

ubuntu build monodevelop
Why doesn't MonoDevelop code completion work for objects?

I am using MonoDevelop 2.4.2, and code completion works fine for everything inside my class scope. But it doesn't work for …

autocomplete unity3d monodevelop unityscript
DataGridView for Linux and MonoDevelop

I want to use some GUI-object for output some table's information (this information is readonly). There are DataGrid and DataGridView …

monodevelop gtk#