Top "Monodevelop" questions

MonoDevelop is an IDE focusing on developing desktop, mobile and web applications using C# and other .NET languages.

Where's Gtk# 2.12.22 for Windows?

I want to install MonoDevelop on my Windows computer The MonoDevelop website directs me to download GtkSharp 2.12.20 No good - …

monodevelop gtk#
WinForms Application in MonoDevelop

I just installed the new MonoDevelop Windows beta, but when trying to create a C# windows application the only option …

winforms mono monodevelop
How to use LINQ in Mono?

I can't make System.Linq (aka LINQ to Objects) work. I am running MonoDevelop 2.2.1 in Ubuntu 10 Lucid Lynx with Mono 2.4.4. …

linq mono monodevelop
Format Code In MonoDevelop

I am using MonoDevelop on Mac to write MonoTouch apps. Automatica code indenting/formatting works great while I am typing. …

Learning ASP.NET MVC on Mac OS X

I realize this is a bit insane, C# being a Windows language and all, but I want to start learning …

c# mono macos monodevelop
How can I add a reference in monodevelop?

I need to work with Json in mono and I'm using the IDE monodevelop. How can I add as a …

MonoDevelop ARMv6 on Raspberry Pi

Will MonoDevelop compile to the ARMv6, mainly so I can get it running on my Raspberry Pi? I've noted that …

mono monodevelop raspberry-pi
How to install recent mono and monodevelop?

I tried to install mono and monodevelop on centOS 6.3. After many hours I was able to install mono but failed …

mono monodevelop
Who copies app.config to app.exe.config?

I'm writing a game development IDE that creates and compiles .NET projects (which I've been working on for the past …

c# .net visual-studio monodevelop
MonoDevelop - Convert line ending dialog

I often switch between MonoDevelop on Linux and VS2010 with the same code base so I'm forever having to click …

mono monodevelop