Top "Monodevelop" questions

MonoDevelop is an IDE focusing on developing desktop, mobile and web applications using C# and other .NET languages.

How can I launch multiple instances of MonoDevelop on the Mac?

I would like to open a new MonoDevelop instance to work on a different project on the Mac, and the …

macos mono xamarin.ios monodevelop
Visual studio project to MonoDevelop

Is there a way to transfer a Visual Studio project to the MonoDevelop environment? at FAQ - MonoDevelop it is …

visual-studio monodevelop
Unity3D new UI System and List Views

I am trying to build a list view with the new Unity UI (2014). The vertical and scrollable list should contain …

c# listview user-interface unity3d monodevelop
panel hide and show in NGUI

I am new to NGUI and unity 3d. I have two panels in a ui root. its named as firstPanel …

c# monodevelop unity3d ngui
Set background image in UIViewController (MonoTouch)

I have a screen called HomeScreen which implements UIViewController. I wish to use a background image for this screen. Is …

iphone uiviewcontroller xamarin.ios monodevelop
The imported type is defined multiple times - only under xbuild on Mono 2.10.1

Having an issue where compiling some code that makes use of HttpContextBase is throwing the compile error: UserService.cs(13,26): error …

c# msbuild mono monodevelop xbuild
Error: JNI ERROR (app bug): accessed stale global reference

I am getting this error JNI ERROR (app bug): accessed stale global reference When I run my app in Android …

android mono monodevelop xamarin
MonoDevelop command line compile a solution

The problem is as follows: I have a MonoDevelop project (ASP.NET) on my development workstation. I'm currently at a …

mono monodevelop xbuild
Type of conditional expression cannot be determined as

When I compile my C# project in MonoDevelop, I get the following error: Type of conditional expression cannot be determined …

c# mono monodevelop
C# SSH Connection

I'm trying to run SSH commands as part of a C# app. My code is as follows: using System; using …

c# ssh mono monodevelop