Top "Monodevelop" questions

MonoDevelop is an IDE focusing on developing desktop, mobile and web applications using C# and other .NET languages.

Reading console input in MonoDevelop

I am trying to a simple C# program that takes input and passes it as output. For instance, the output …

c# monodevelop
Error: Framework '.NETFramework 4.0 Client Profile' not installed. for MonoDevelop 2.8.1

I get the following error: Error: Framework '.NETFramework 4.0 Client Profile' not installed. When I try to build my project. …

.net monodevelop
What is the difference between GTK# and Windows Forms?

What is the difference between GTK# and windows forms? Are they totally different? Thanks

c# winforms mono gtk monodevelop
Is there a "Resharper-like" addin for MonoDevelop?

I've googled and not come up with much. Has anyone run across something like Resharper for Mono?

resharper monodevelop
Starting a ASP.NET MVC3 project in MonoDevelop? Steps to do so?

I'm using MonoDevelop on the Mac with the latest Mono version installed. What steps do I need to take to … razor mono monodevelop
Older version of .Net not installed with latest Mono?

I've been working on a .NET 3.5 C# project using Visual Studio Community 2015, but I had always intended to do most …

c# .net visual-studio mono monodevelop
Monodevelop will not start in Mint 17

I am trying to install MonoDevelop in Linux Mint 17. I have installed both using apt and throught he package manager, …

monodevelop linux-mint
Is it possible to get an ASP.NET MVC 3 project working under Mono 2.10?

Mono 2.10's release notes suggest support for ASP.NET MVC 3.0 and Razor using XSP. Upon opening a newly created ASP.… mono monodevelop xsp
How do I use Linq in MonoDevelop 2.0 on OS X?

I installed MonoDevelop 2.0 on my Mac. I created a new Console Application. "Hello World" program runs fine. But I can't …

linq mono monodevelop
.NET 4.6 - monodevelop on linux

I have mono installed from beta channel ( - version 4.0.4 I can't compile …

linux mono monodevelop .net-4.6