An action of moving between major versions of any framework, product or language, or, just as commonly, alteration to the data schema of an application.
I have the following in my migration file def self.up create_table :payment_agreements do |t| t.boolean :automatic, :…
ruby-on-rails migration unique-index validates-uniqueness-ofThis seems to have been asked before: rails decimal precision and scale But when running a change_column migration for :…
ruby-on-rails migration decimal precision scaleI'm migrating my joomla 3.3.6 project from local to online server, but I get this error when I try to login …
php permissions migration joomla3.0Primary Question: If my app is CURRENTLY using Struts 1.x - and I am considering migrating to EITHER Spring-MVC or …
java spring-mvc struts2 migration struts-1Background: After adding djangoratings to my project, I tried running schemamigration djangoratings --initial --settings=myapp.settings.local which …
django migration django-southWhile migrating the application from Struts 1 to Struts 2 In some of the places, the same action class has been used …
java struts2 migration struts actionresultAs it is described here I'm trying to do the migration in order to let yii create the user authentication …
configuration console migration yii2Can I run php artisan migrate:refresh for specific table? Or can I refresh specific table migration in general? I …
laravel migration migrate laravel-5.5 artisan-migrate