Top "Migration" questions

An action of moving between major versions of any framework, product or language, or, just as commonly, alteration to the data schema of an application.

Rails uniqueness constraint and matching db unique index for null column

I have the following in my migration file def self.up create_table :payment_agreements do |t| t.boolean :automatic, :…

ruby-on-rails migration unique-index validates-uniqueness-of
Oracle - Error: 'ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into

I'm trying to insert a record into a table, but getting the error - 'ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (....'. …

mysql oracle migration notnull ora-01400
Rails: Cannot add :precision or :scale options with change_column in a migration?

This seems to have been asked before: rails decimal precision and scale But when running a change_column migration for :…

ruby-on-rails migration decimal precision scale
joomla 3 error: 0 Cannot open file for writing log

I'm migrating my joomla 3.3.6 project from local to online server, but I get this error when I try to login …

php permissions migration joomla3.0
Migration from Struts 1.2 -> Struts2 vs Spring-MVC (primarily vis-a-vis Struts1.2 taglib support)

Primary Question: If my app is CURRENTLY using Struts 1.x - and I am considering migrating to EITHER Spring-MVC or …

java spring-mvc struts2 migration struts-1
South migrate error - relation already exists

Background: After adding djangoratings to my project, I tried running schemamigration djangoratings --initial --settings=myapp.settings.local which …

django migration django-south
How to change ActionForward with dynamic params in Struts 2

While migrating the application from Struts 1 to Struts 2 In some of the places, the same action class has been used …

java struts2 migration struts actionresult
ANTLR 4 $channel = HIDDEN and options

I need help with my ANTLR 4 grammar after deciding to switch to v4 from v3. I am not very experienced …

java migration antlr antlr4
Yii2: Cannot perform RBAC migration (You should configure "authManager"...)

As it is described here I'm trying to do the migration in order to let yii create the user authentication …

configuration console migration yii2
Refresh laravel migration for specific table

Can I run php artisan migrate:refresh for specific table? Or can I refresh specific table migration in general? I …

laravel migration migrate laravel-5.5 artisan-migrate