An action of moving between major versions of any framework, product or language, or, just as commonly, alteration to the data schema of an application.
I am new to rails, and am trying to set up a many-to-many relationship in my rails project. I have …
ruby-on-rails migration associations has-and-belongs-to-manyWhat is the best way to execute all required db migrations at application start with EF 4.3?
.net entity-framework migration entity-framework-migrations entity-framework-4.3I have been learning how to use EF for a week or so now and am stuck on the issue …
c# mysql migration entity-framework-4.3 initializerI am a new user of golang-migrate. I have run some migrations that executed with success. I am on development …
go migration golang-migrateI am rebuilding an ERP system based on Symfony1.4 and MySQL 5.1. The challenge is that previous system was built on …
mysql database migration filemaker database-migrationI am renaming an application to a more suitable name. In doing so, I want to ensure that South properly …
django migration rename django-southWe are considering moving from ClearCase to Subversion. The project has been there for a while (7 years) and there are …
svn migration clearcaseMy Yii2 is setup with PostgreSQL. Instead of using separate database per project, I like to use schema for each …
postgresql migration database-schema yii2 search-path