Top "Migration" questions

An action of moving between major versions of any framework, product or language, or, just as commonly, alteration to the data schema of an application.

How to have many-to-many relationship in rails

I am new to rails, and am trying to set up a many-to-many relationship in my rails project. I have …

ruby-on-rails migration associations has-and-belongs-to-many
Entity framework 4.3 run migrations at application start

What is the best way to execute all required db migrations at application start with EF 4.3?

.net entity-framework migration entity-framework-migrations entity-framework-4.3
create/drop database task for gulp/knex

I have an Express.js web applications which uses Knex.js as the SQL query builder and migrations engine. While …

database express migration gulp knex.js
How to create initializer to create and migrate mysql database?

I have been learning how to use EF for a week or so now and am stuck on the issue …

c# mysql migration entity-framework-4.3 initializer
Dirty database version error when using golang-migrate

I am a new user of golang-migrate. I have run some migrations that executed with success. I am on development …

go migration golang-migrate
How to solve Joomla Error " The template for this display is not available."

Hi all thanks for taking time to read my question, I was using iPages as my host since past few …

php joomla migration joomla3.0
How to migrate the database from Filemaker to Mysql?

I am rebuilding an ERP system based on Symfony1.4 and MySQL 5.1. The challenge is that previous system was built on …

mysql database migration filemaker database-migration
Renaming an app with Django and South

I am renaming an application to a more suitable name. In doing so, I want to ensure that South properly …

django migration rename django-south
What is the best strategy when migrating from ClearCase to SVN?

We are considering moving from ClearCase to Subversion. The project has been there for a while (7 years) and there are …

svn migration clearcase
How to set default schema in Yii2

My Yii2 is setup with PostgreSQL. Instead of using separate database per project, I like to use schema for each …

postgresql migration database-schema yii2 search-path