An action of moving between major versions of any framework, product or language, or, just as commonly, alteration to the data schema of an application.
I have Visual Studio setup projects (MSI / vdproj) in solutions I am attempting to migrate to Visual Studio 2012 where support …
visual-studio-2012 migration installshield-leI know that i can touch a migration and add add_index :table_name, :column_name, :unique => true But …
ruby-on-rails database ruby-on-rails-3.2 migrationWhat is the correct way to create a table and add indices on some of its columns in a single …
indexing migration sequelize.jsI am looking for a way to map existing tables in a project with the Eloquent ORM and use them …
database laravel migration database-migration database-managementI created a migration, ran rake db:migrate, which bumped my db/schema.rb version number. Then I did a …
ruby-on-rails git migrationIs it possible to create an attribute for a class that is an array? I tried reading this but I …
ruby database-design attributes migration ruby-on-rails-3.1I have a Realm Object modeled as so class WorkoutSet: Object { // Schema 0 dynamic var exerciseName: String = "" dynamic var reps: Int = 0 // …
swift migration realm data-migration data-management