An action of moving between major versions of any framework, product or language, or, just as commonly, alteration to the data schema of an application.
Does rake db:schema:dump recreate schema.rb from migrations or the database itself?
ruby-on-rails schema migration rakeHas anyone tried to use gold instead of ld? gold promises to be much faster than ld, so it may …
c++ c linker migration gold-linkerLooks like the new rails version has "change" versus self.up and self.down methods. So what happens when one …
ruby-on-rails migrationI have a table in a Rails app with hundreds of thousands of records, and they only have a created_…
ruby-on-rails activerecord migration timestampHow do I backup MySQL users and their privileges? Anything like mysqldump? I am looking for something like: mysqldump -d …
mysql database database-design migration backupIf I use a migration to update a database, and I add an integer field like this: t.integer :foo :…
ruby-on-rails null migration defaultI know how to create them via But once I've created my …
codeigniter migration codeigniter-2I have the following SQL which I need to do CREATE TABLE cars_users2 AS SELECT DISTINCT * FROM cars_users; …
sql postgresql ruby-on-rails-3 migration rails-activerecordI have created a new table including a column "note". The default is varchar(255) I believe but I wish to …
ruby-on-rails activerecord migration rails-migrationsMy PostgreSQL is installed on Windows. How can I migrate data from MySQL database to PostgreSQL? I've read tons of …
mysql postgresql migration dump