Top "Migration" questions

An action of moving between major versions of any framework, product or language, or, just as commonly, alteration to the data schema of an application.

Porting a PowerBuilder Application to .NET

Does anyone have any advice for migrating a PowerBuilder 10 business application to .NET? My company is considering migrating a legacy …

c# .net migration powerbuilder powerbuilder-conversion
Switching from MySQL to PostgreSQL - tips, tricks and gotchas?

I am contemplating a switch from MySQL to PostgreSQL. What are your tips, tricks and gotchas for working with PostgreSQL? …

mysql postgresql migration load-data-infile
Step by step migration from Zend Framework 1 to 2

I have to migrate an application from Zend Framework 1.12.0 to version 2. There seem to be no migration guides yet. I …

php zend-framework migration zend-framework2
Running migration on server when deploying with capistrano

I'm trying to deploy my rails application with capistrano, but I'm having some trouble running my migrations. In my development …

ruby-on-rails migration rake capistrano passenger
Migrations for Java

I use both ruby on rails and Java. I really enjoy using migrations when I am working on a rails …

java ruby-on-rails migration
Migrating Silverlight application to HTML 5

Currently we have application in Silverlight which contains a dashboard. The dashboard was developed in Silverlight. Now we want to …

html silverlight migration dashboard
How do I retroactively add a primary key to my table in rails?

I've created a table without a primary key (:id => false), but now it has come back to bite my …

ruby-on-rails migration primary-key key
How do I force ActiveRecord to reload a class?

I'm creating a bunch of migrations, some of which are standard "create table" or "modify table" migrations, and some of …

ruby-on-rails ruby activerecord migration
Where's the encryption key stored in Jenkins?

I am trying to migrate the credentials from one Jenkins to another but usernames/passwords are hashed in ${JENKINS_HOME}/…

encryption jenkins migration credentials
Laravel 5 Migration, Invalid default value when integer

I was trying to create an table having a 0 as its default integer value The code looks like: Schema::create(…

php migration schema laravel-5 builder