Top "Load-data-infile" questions

A mySQL function for loading external data directly into the database.

How do I import CSV file into a MySQL table?

I have an unnormalized events-diary CSV from a client that I'm trying to load into a MySQL table so that …

mysql csv load-data-infile
MYSQL import data from csv using LOAD DATA INFILE

I am importing some data of 20000 rows from a CSV file into Mysql. Columns in the CSV are in a …

mysql csv import load-data-infile
Import CSV to mysql table

What is the best/fastest way to upload a csv file into a mysql table? I would like for the …

mysql csv import load-data-infile database-table
Importing a csv into mysql via command line

I'm trying to import a very large .csv file (~4gb) into mysql. I was considering using phpmyadmin, but then you …

mysql csv load-data-infile
MySQL load NULL values from CSV data

I have a file that can contain from 3 to 4 columns of numerical values which are separated by comma. Empty fields …

mysql csv load-data-infile
access denied for load data infile in MySQL

I use MySQL queries all the time in PHP, but when I try LOAD DATA INFILE I get the following …

mysql load-data-infile mysql-error-1045
mysql load data infile can't get stat of file Errcode: 2

I have looked all over and found no solution, any help on this would be great. Query: LOAD DATA INFILE …

mysql load-data-infile
How to skip columns in CSV file when importing into MySQL table using LOAD DATA INFILE?

I've got a CSV file with 11 columns and I have a MySQL table with 9 columns. The CSV file looks like: …

mysql csv load-data-infile
Easy way to export a SQL table without access to the server or phpMyADMIN

I need a way to easily export and then import data in a MySQL table from a remote server to …

php mysql export load-data-infile
LOAD DATA LOCAL, How do I skip the first line?

I'm trying to Load a CSV file into my MySQL database, But I would like to skip the first line. …

sql mysql csv import load-data-infile