Top "Migration" questions

An action of moving between major versions of any framework, product or language, or, just as commonly, alteration to the data schema of an application.

Migrate project from RCS to git?

I have a 20-year-old project that I would like to migrate from RCS to git, without losing the history. All …

git migration cvs rcs
laravel multiple databases with multiple migration tables

I am trying to set up a multiple database application in laravel 5. I have a database A and a second …

database laravel migration multiple-databases
How might you clone a database table via Rails migration?

I want a migration to create a clone of an existing table by just suffixing the name, including all the …

ruby-on-rails migration schema dump
PropertyConfigurator in log4j2

I'm migrating log4j 1.2.8 to log4j 2.3. Everything works fine, beside that I'm not finding any any alternative for the …

log4j migration log4j2
Django South error with initial migration

I have a new Django 1.3 project and app that I've created. I added south to my and have …

django migration django-south
local staging magento site redirecting to live site

I followed this tutorial to set up a local staging version of our magento site. Locally it is running on …

magento redirect ubuntu migration staging
ClearCase to Git migration

We are working on converting our CC Vobs to GIT we have both base and UCM vobs, I have seen …

git migration clearcase revision-history
how to insert html tag inside sql in Liquibase migration?

I need to update my data that have html tag inside so wrote this on liquibase <sql> update …

database grails migration liquibase
Why is it not good to have a primary key on a join table?

I was watching a screencast where the author said it is not good to have a primary key on a …

ruby-on-rails database migration primary-key junction-table
Laravel migration cannot find driver when using sqlsrv database in windows

I am using sqlsrv database connection in my project as I need to connect to Microsoft SQL Database. I have …

laravel migration odbc sqlsrv