Top "Cvs" questions

CVS - Concurrent Versions System - is an open-source version control system

Difference between GIT and CVS

What is the difference between Git and CVS version control systems? I have been happily using CVS for over 10 years, …

git version-control cvs
CVS: List all files changed between tags (or dates)

Is there any way to list all the files that have changed between two tags in CVS? Every time we …

Moving from CVS to Git: $Id$ equivalent?

I read through a bunch of questions asking about simple source code control tools and Git seemed like a reasonable …

git version-control cvs keyword-substitution
Diffing between two entire directories/projects in hg or git?

I inherited a project originally stored in CVS with all the revisions. I made quite a few edits, and I'm …

git version-control diff cvs mercurial
What's the best CVS client for Windows?

We're currently using WinCVS but it's slow and has no merge dialog. I'm looking for something like Eclipse's Team Synchronize (…

windows cvs wincvs
Remove empty directory from CVS?

I'm not quite sure how this happened, but somehow a completely empty hierarchy of directories has ended up in my …

Why should I use version control?

I was reading a blog where the writer said this "Code doesn’t exist unless it’s checked into a …

svn git version-control cvs
PostgreSQL syntax check without running the query

I want to verify the syntax of files containing sql queries before they can be committed in my CVS project. …

sql parsing postgresql syntax cvs
How can I list all modules in a CVS repository?

Is there a command that returns a list of module names contained within a CVS repository? Being a newbie to …

Subversion vs CVS

I've used both SVN and CVS a little bit, but will need to choose one for a new project I …

svn version-control cvs