Top "Notnull" questions

This tag refers to an object or type that is not null (none).

MySQL SELECT only not null values

Is it possible to do a select statement that takes only NOT NULL values? Right now I am using this: …

mysql sql select notnull
How do I check if a SQL Server text column is empty?

I am using SQL Server 2005. I have a table with a text column and I have many rows in the …

sql-server sql-server-2005 sqldatatypes notnull emptydatatext
insert a NOT NULL column to an existing table

I have tried: ALTER TABLE MY_TABLE ADD STAGE INT NOT NULL; But it gives this error message: ALTER TABLE …

sql-server alter-table notnull
SQL Column definition : default value and not null redundant?

I've seen many times the following syntax which defines a column in a create/alter DDL statement: ALTER TABLE tbl …

sql default-value ddl notnull
Alter column default value

I know you can change the default value of an existing column like this: ALTER TABLE Employee ADD CONSTRAINT DF_…

sql sql-server default-value notnull
Make a column nullable in DB2 when Data Capture is enabled

I'm using db2 version 9.7* and it seems impossible to make a NOT NULL column nullable in any straightforward way. Unfortunately …

db2 nullable alter non-nullable notnull
How to drop all NOT NULL constraints from a PostgreSQL table in one go

Is it possible to drop all NOT NULL constraints from a table in one go? I have a big table …

sql postgresql constraints sql-drop notnull
Check a record IS NOT NULL in plsql

I have a function which would return a record with type my_table%ROWTYPE, and in the caller, I could …

plsql notnull
Hibernate @NotEmpty annotation equivalent in Javax.package or alternative

Is there a way to implement @NotEmpty hibernate validation without writing custom validation? javax.validation package does not contain this …

java validation annotations bean-validation notnull