Top "Microsoft-metro" questions

Unless you have design questions - you should more likely tag your question as windows-store-apps or windows-runtime or winrt-xaml or winjs.

Check internet connection (availability) in Windows 8

How to check internet connection availability in Windows 8,C# development ? I looked at MSDN but page has been deleted.

c# windows-8 microsoft-metro
Windows 8 WrapPanel

I've got problem with automatically breaking StackPanel into next line. Here's the sample code: <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Width="180"> &…

windows windows-8 microsoft-metro winrt-xaml
Get OS-Version in WinRT Metro App C#

I'm programming a Metro Style App with C# and the Visual Studio 11 Beta. Now I want to get the OS-Version …

c# operating-system windows-8 microsoft-metro windows-runtime
ResourceMap not found error when referencing a resource file within a portable class library

The problem I am facing has as follows: I have developed a portable class library to encapsulate a service connection. …

c# resources portability windows-runtime microsoft-metro
Place holder or watermark in TextBox windows 8

I want to show a placeholder text in TextBox when user hasn't typed anything and TextBox is idle. In Andriod …

c# windows-8 microsoft-metro .net-4.5
HierarchyRequestError when modifying DOM in Windows Metro application

I'm building a Windows Metro application using Javascript and HTML and it crashes with a HierarchyRequestError: Exception was thrown but …

microsoft-metro winjs
Metro UI and C#

Does anyone have any code samples in C# that implements the Metro UI? This is similar to the interfaces used …

c# user-interface zune microsoft-metro
Local database storage for WinRT/Metro applications

I am trying to find an API within WinRT that will allow me to create a local database that can …

database windows-runtime windows-store-apps microsoft-metro local-storage
Is there a way to open/read .PRI files? (package resource index - used in Windows Store apps)

I need to take some resources from SOURCE.PRI file, modify certain values, then create TARGET.PRI file, which has …

windows resources microsoft-metro compiled
jQuery and Windows 8 JavaScript Metro Style Apps

Can jQuery be used in Windows 8 Metro-style apps developed using the JavaScript API? I'm looking at the samples, and there's …

javascript jquery windows-8 microsoft-metro