Get OS-Version in WinRT Metro App C#

SwissPrime picture SwissPrime · Apr 12, 2012 · Viewed 12.1k times · Source

I'm programming a Metro Style App with C# and the Visual Studio 11 Beta. Now I want to get the OS-Version of the OS. How can I get this?

I found out how to do it in "normal" Applications. There you take the Environment-Class with the attribute OSVersion but in .NET Core there isn't this attribute


DamienG picture DamienG · Apr 3, 2013

You can get the OS version number with some risk that it might not be correct by using the devices API to get the driver version numbers for a low-level system components.

The accepted answer is correct in that you shouldn't tie functionality to the version number but there are valid reasons to use it such as analytics - it's useful to know when a lot of your users are already on a new version and that you should be considering an app update to take advantage of it. has more information and sample code (disclosure, I wrote that code)

Note: The code has been updated and now handles custom/multiple HALs etc.