Unless you have design questions - you should more likely tag your question as windows-store-apps or windows-runtime or winrt-xaml or winjs.
I'm creating a MetroStyle app and I want to generate a MD5 code for my string. So far I've used …
c# .net windows-runtime microsoft-metroI am writing a metro app. This works: HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); var bytes = await client.GetByteArrayAsync(new Uri("www.…
.net task-parallel-library microsoft-metroConsider the following to be extracts from a Windows 8 Metro / WinRT app, which have been reduced to the bare minimum …
windows-8 microsoft-metro windows-runtime async-await c#-5.0The app runs but Angular data objects are not recognized. Here is the JavaScript error I am getting: Exception was …
javascript angularjs windows-8 microsoft-metro winjsI'm looking for some kind of ORM that can be used with Metro Style apps. I found lots of posts …
database entity-framework orm windows-8 microsoft-metroI want to build a metro style win 8 app which needs to access a local database (installed on the users …
windows-8 microsoft-metroWith Windows 8.1, the background color for desktop application tiles on the start screen are no longer grey but colored. It …
c++ microsoft-metro windows-8.1 live-tileI am developing my app for Windows 8 in C#, and one very annoying thing is that the touch keyboard sometimes …
c# user-interface windows-8 microsoft-metroI am working on a first PCL that targets : WSA (Windows Store Application), WPF,WP7,WP8. We can say that …
wpf microsoft-metro windows-runtime portable-class-libraryI need a way to open a file in a Metro app from command line. So far I've figured out …
command-line windows-8 microsoft-metro command-line-arguments windows-10