Unless you have design questions - you should more likely tag your question as windows-store-apps or windows-runtime or winrt-xaml or winjs.
Let's just say that I have: public Boolean booleanValue; public bool someMethod(string value) { // Do some work in here. return …
c# .net event-handling microsoft-metro inotifypropertychangedIs there any other way of checking whether a file exists in a Windows Store app? try { var file = await …
c# windows-8 windows-runtime microsoft-metro filenotfoundexceptionSince it sounded like jQuery was an option for Metro JavaScript apps, I was starting to look forward to Windows 8 …
jquery microsoft-metro winjs visual-studio-2012I'm using a listView based on itemTemplate. So i need in my template to alternate the background color : - fist …
wpf silverlight xaml listview microsoft-metroIs there a way to launch a desktop application from a Metro-style app on Windows 8? I'm trying to create some …
c# windows windows-8 microsoft-metroI'm using MetroFramework in my desktop application and set all the themes color ad default while making the change in …
c# winforms frameworks microsoft-metro modern-uiHow do I print the contents of a TextBox in metro apps? I have read this quickstart guide on MSDN …
c# .net windows-8 microsoft-metro windows-store-appsI know how to set string from resource <TextBlock x:Uid="Text1"/> where Text1.Text is "Hello" But …
c# xaml windows-8 microsoft-metroI am trying to deploy my C# app to my Windows 8 Metro desktop. I can see the deployed files in …
c# .net windows-8 microsoft-metro visual-studio-2012I've created a method using the new WebAPI features in MVC4 and have it running on Azure. The method requires …
c# httpclient windows-8 microsoft-metro asp.net-mvc-4