Is there a way to open/read .PRI files? (package resource index - used in Windows Store apps)

Bobby5193 picture Bobby5193 · Feb 5, 2013 · Viewed 11.3k times · Source

I need to take some resources from SOURCE.PRI file, modify certain values, then create TARGET.PRI file, which has the exact same content as SOURCE.PRI, except the modified values mentioned above.

There are a couple of PRI file extensions, I am referring to the compiled resource files used by Windows Store apps (more info).

I am assuming that, since .PRI files are already compiled, there is no way to read them, character by character, with simple text parser.

Therefore, I am looking for a way to compile and decompile the .PRI file.

Did anyone find a way to do this?


arieljannai picture arieljannai · Dec 7, 2015

In this github project they edited the .pri file in order to change the logon screen.

You can try and look what they did there and how to accomplish that with your own project.

Although it's been a long time since the question was asked, I think it's still good to have an answer here that will guide anyone who's interested in doing that and arrived here.